Sunday, July 12, 2009
8:34 PM
A domain can be loaded from a remote place either by using the corresponding scenario event (loadDistantDomainevent), either by using the GUI (use "Load Topology from network" under the "File" menu). In both cases, the server host and port should be provided. If no server is present at the given host and port, this will result in an execution error. If the server is present, the connection will be established and TOTEM will start waiting for the topology to be received.
A simple topology server is provided as an example. It is located in the class TopologyServer in the package. This server sends a given topology file to a TOTEM toolbox instance that connects to it. It has two mandatory arguments: the port on which to listen for new connections and the filename from which to read the topology.
To build the server, use the specific ant task:
ant build-toposerver
The jar file containing the server is then located in dist/toposerver.jar under the TOTEM root folder. You can start the server by using the script
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